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A short history of British pub sign painting as practised by the extinct studios of Whitbread Artists Department and Brewery Artists.
During the last seven decades the tradition of hand painted pictorial inn signs has been a rich one, probably reaching its zenith in 1980s. The individuality of the traditional painted inn sign is now mostly superseded by digitally scanned images. This website is a brief look at some of the people, methods and public house signage of these two studios.
Various items are available to buy including a Brewery Artists poster of 25 pub signs, which helps to pay for this resource website.
Also, artefactual donations are available to bona fide museums and affiliated institutions.
This site is a reference website and does not exist to make a profit. It is to commemorate the rich history and promote the continued use of pictorial pub signs in Britain. You can help support this website and keep it active when you buy a poster, artwork etc.