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All artwork is copyright protected
This website is a reference and resource site and does not exist to make a profit. It is to commemorate the rich history and promote the continued use of pictorial pub signs in Britain. In medieval England all tavern landlords were compelled to display a pictorial sign. For those who bemoan the diminishing picture signs in our towns and countryside this is an appealing if draconian solution.
The creeping use of the texted pub sign is a poor replacement for the expressive folk art of the United Kingdom. So websites like this one might be seen as an essential educational element in the promotion of the pictorial pub sign use.
You can help support this website and keep it active by buying a poster, artwork etc.
Also, donations of pub sign artefacts to bona fide museums or affiliated pub memorabilia institutions are available. Unfortunately Cheltenham Wilson Museum (home of Brewery Artists) and Compton Verney British Folk Art did not respond when approached.

This image shows an example of a traditional British inn, The Old Bull Inn at Inkberrow Worcestershire. Incidentally this pub was used for the radio soap 'The Archers' promotional events.